

Astronaut's voice-forward production style ensures his commanding lyrics have the space needed to establish a place at the top of the rap/reggae hierarchy.

Astronaut is a rap/reggae talent of the most stringent specification; authentically distressed by the double-standards of Western culture, chipped and weathered into a hard-as-hell geometry by personal experiences of war (and peace), and absolutely ready to do battle with anyone who would contest his right to redirect the trajectory of music - and the social discourse it generates. Poised and elegant behind the guttural delivery of his constantly dynamic material, Astronaut's intense personna has been streamlined by time to yield an image that could well be the next face of the rap/reggae genre; and no one doubts that the music industry needs vigorous new blood like his to displace the moribund philosophies of sales and marketing which presently ordain its fate. Independent reporter Lily Clark recently interviewed him to talk about his desire to create, his new single 'Trust Issues', and his expectations for the coming days.

LAUREN: When did you first get that feeling that your music career was gaining momentum?
ASTRONAUT: I got that feeling when I won my first Akademia Award.

LAUREN: Your song 'Trust Issues' is receiving a positive listener response on radio. What was your initial reaction when you first heard your song playing on radio?
ASTRONAUT: When I first heard my song playing on the radio, I was like, “Yeah man” that's the tune man.

LAUREN: What was the inspiration behind your debut radio single?
ASTRONAUT: The inspiration behind my debut radio single was my personal life experience.

LAUREN: It is often said that great art arises from difficult experience. Is there something in your life experience thus far that you would describe as the ‘catalyst’ or ‘fuel’ for your desire to create music?
ASTRONAUT: The fuel for my desire to create music would be the love of music, and the death of my father just encouraged me even more.

LAUREN: How would you characterize yourself as an artist/musician? (Ex. Down-to-earth, serious, fun-loving, complicated…)
ASTRONAUT: Down-to-earth, serious, fun-loving, and complicated. I am all in one package.


LAUREN: What has your experience been like working with the other people on your team?
ASTRONAUT: I was working on it by myself. Every voice on the record is me.

LAUREN: Did you come from a musical background? Are there other musicians in your family?
ASTRONAUT: I did come from a musical background. My uncle Junior plays a mean alto saxophone.

LAUREN: What do you find most rewarding about being an artist? What do you find most challenging?
ASTRONAUT: Most rewarding thing about being an artist is that I am true to myself and the fans really appreciating my music. It’s the best feeling ever.

LAUREN: Who are your role models in music?
ASTRONAUT: I am my own role model in music and that's to improve on my music every day. I like different artists from reggae to country to everything.

LAUREN: Describe your best or most memorable performance.
ASTRONAUT: When I performed at the Grammys. That would be my most memorable moment.

LAUREN: What advice would you give to young, aspiring artists out there who are unsure and need guidance?
ASTRONAUT: The only advice I will give artist is that to keep pushing, a letdown is a let up, and learn from your experiences.

LAUREN: What's next for you as an artist? Is there a new single in the works? If so, what can you tell us about it?
ASTRONAUT: I have my last mix-tape 'I Got ah Story' coming to you this Christmas. Get my mix-tape 'If it Wasn't for Me' on iTunes and Apple stores right now.

LAUREN: Thank you for the interview! We look forward to hearing more from you very soon!

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